Car park management signs: How important are they?

There’s no sense in having rules on a site if there isn’t a way to inform people what they are. We’re taking a closer look at the critical role signs play in car park management.

Black parking sign on a brick wall

Black parking sign on a brick wall

What content must be included on parking signs?

There are legal requirements that must be met regarding the signage used in any car park. The British Parking Association Code 2012 (necessary for compliance with The BPA Approved Operator Scheme) along with Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 sets out required content that must be included on signs.

Signs must be large enough, and easily understood

Signs on your car park must be written in such a way that they can be understood easily (no legal jargon) and must be big enough to see and read with legible wording. The Code states that signs must be at least 450 mm x 450 mm and must be easily seen by drivers as they arrive on a site. There needs to be a specific sign at the entrance to the car park that summarises the rules in place and notifies the driver that specific terms and conditions will apply inside. It’s important that there are enough signs around a site to ensure people have had every opportunity to see them. If a driver can credibly make the case ‘I couldn’t see any signs,’ then signage is inadequate, and they can rightly have a parking charge appealed.

Communicate, not confuse

Signs with the most important terms (BPA AOS Code essential information) should be placed at pay points, if applicable. If there is a barrier, it’s important to make sure that the signs are visible before the driver passes through it. Making use of symbols or pictograms as well as words helps with understanding. Think about times of the day and other conditions that will apply when a driver is trying to park and adapt your signs accordingly. The BPA suggests putting a sign under a light if that is the only way to allow it to be read. Use retro-reflective paint if that helps to make it easy to spot and easy to read.


Include your company information

Your signs must include company information, too. Drivers need to know who they are dealing with, especially when faced with enforcement action. Don’t make this difficult by hiding your identity. If you use ANPR cameras to identify vehicles, you must tell drivers that you are doing so and why you are collecting their data.

Make the consequences clear to the driver

Always include the minimum content prescribed by Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act.


Help from the experts – the best way to avoid signage pitfalls

There is a lot to manage if you are a private operator trying to monetise your car park for the first time, or a busy facilities manager with a thousand other things to do. Fortunately, there is help available.

At Parkingeye we invest serious time in making sure site signage is spot on for our customers. As the signage covers you (and us) in terms of legal requirements, all signage we produce is high-quality, BPA-approved, tough, clear, and easy to spot from distance.

Our dedicated Onboarding and Account Management teams help you understand your signage requirements and ensure everything is optimised, in place and constantly delivering the best results for your car park.

Our signage plans are always tailored to a given site, so each sign is designed by hand, and we take time to ensure that all signage accurately reflects the site’s parking terms and conditions.

Sometimes you may have 20 different businesses operating from one location, in which case we can create zoning and signage for any number of tenants in accordance with your agreed terms. The smallest details can drive compliance, revenue and make site a success, and ensure users are happy.

If you would like to find out more about car park management, please head over to our car park management page for more information, or get in touch using the form.