Local School Wellness Policy

A local school wellness policy (wellness policy) is a written document that guides a local educational agency (LEA) or school district’s efforts to create supportive school nutrition and physical activity environments. This is important because each local education agency participating in federal Child Nutrition Programs, including the National School Lunch Program or the School Breakfast Program , is required to develop and implement a wellness policy.

Creating a Wellness Policy

Wellness policies can be integrated into the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model for school health, and can address policies and practices for before-, during-, and after-school.

Putting Local School Wellness Policies Into Action Cover

Putting Local School Wellness Policies into Action: Stories from School Districts and Schools [PDF – 2 MB] is a compilation of 11 stories that provide examples of steps and strategies used to implement wellness policies, including activities in key areas such as improving school meals and increasing physical activity levels among students.

Local School Wellness Policy Requirements List

School districts can develop wellness policies to meet the unique needs of each school under its jurisdiction, but at a minimum are required to: